Welcome to the Clowder Project!

The Clowder Project is an online reference work and wiki for category theory and ma­the­ma­ti­cs. It is built using Gerby, created by Pieter Belmans and Raymond Cheng, which is a fork of plas­TeX. The Clowder Project follows the massively collaborative model started by the Stacks Project, and aims to become the equivalent of it for ca­te­go­ry theory.

All comments, no matter how small, are ex­tre­me­ly welcome, as are contributions.

For further notes on the Clowder Project, see the About page.

This project currently relies on donations. If you like this project and would like to su­pport it, you can do so at Ko-Fi:

Donations go to Emily de Oliveira Santos, who is thereby charged with:

  1. 1.Taking care of the te­ch­ni­cal aspects of the project website, including hosting and in­fra­struc­ture.
  2. 2.Continuously ex­pan­ding the project with new content on category theory and re­la­ted subjects.
  3. 3.Coordinating contributions and collaboration, ensuring the project is kept co­he­si­ve.

The current monthly supporters are listed in the Con­tri­bu­tors page.

Recent commits


The Clowder Project now consists of

  • 25944 lines of code
  • 2057 tags
  • 53 sections
  • 12 chapters

Download the book as a PDF