- Author
- de Oliveira Santos, Emily
- Title
- Existence and characterisations of left Kan extensions and liftings in the bicategory of relations I
- https://mathoverflow.net/q/460656
AUTHOR = "de Oliveira Santos, Emily",
TITLE = "Existence and characterisations of left Kan extensions and liftings in the bicategory of relations I",
HOWPUBLISHED = "MathOverflow",
URL = "https://mathoverflow.net/q/460656",
SHORTHAND = "\texttt{MO 460656}"
This item is referenced in 2 tags:
- in Subsection 7.2.1: Left Kan Extensions in $\textbf{Rel}$
- in Subsection 7.2.2: Left Kan Lifts in $\textbf{Rel}$