• Symmetric Lax Monoidality With Respect to Unions. The direct image with compact support function of Item 1 has a symmetric lax monoidal structure
    \[ \webleft (f_{!},f^{\otimes }_{!},f^{\otimes }_{!|\mathbb {1}}\webright ) \colon \webleft (\mathcal{P}\webleft (A\webright ),\cup ,\emptyset \webright ) \to \webleft (\mathcal{P}\webleft (B\webright ),\cup ,\emptyset \webright ), \]

    being equipped with inclusions

    \[ \begin{gathered} f^{\otimes }_{!|U,V} \colon f_{!}\webleft (U\webright )\cup f_{!}\webleft (V\webright ) \hookrightarrow f_{!}\webleft (U\cup V\webright ),\\ f^{\otimes }_{!|\mathbb {1}} \colon \emptyset \hookrightarrow f_{!}\webleft (\emptyset \webright ), \end{gathered} \]

    natural in $U,V\in \mathcal{P}\webleft (A\webright )$.

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