The equivalence closure[1] of $\mathord {\sim }_{R}$ is the relation $\smash {\mathord {\sim }^{\mathrm{eq}}_{R}}$[2] satisfying the following universal property:[3]

  • Given another equivalence relation $\mathord {\sim }_{S}$ on $A$ such that $R\subset S$, there exists an inclusion $\smash {\mathord {\sim }^{\mathrm{eq}}_{R}}\subset \mathord {\sim }_{S}$.


[1] Further Terminology: Also called the equivalence relation associated to $\mathord {\sim }_{R}$.
[2] Further Notation: Also written $R^{\text{eq}}$.
[3] Slogan: The equivalence closure of $R$ is the smallest equivalence relation containing $R$.

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