The equaliser of (f,g) is the pair consisting of:

  • The Limit. The pointed set (Eq(f,g),x0).
  • The Cone. The morphism of pointed sets


    given by the canonical inclusion eq(f,g)Eq(f,g)X.

We claim that (Eq(f,g),x0) is the categorical equaliser of f and g in Sets. First we need to check that the relevant equaliser diagram commutes, i.e. that we have


which indeed holds by the definition of the set Eq(f,g). Next, we prove that Eq(f,g) satisfies the universal property of the equaliser. Suppose we have a diagram of the form

in Sets. Then there exists a unique morphism of pointed sets


making the diagram

commute, being uniquely determined by the condition




for each xE, where we note that e(x)A indeed lies in Eq(f,g) by the condition


which gives


for each xE, so that e(x)Eq(f,g). Lastly, we note that ϕ is indeed a morphism of pointed sets, as we have


where we have used that e is a morphism of pointed sets.

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