8.5.2 Quotients of Sets by Equivalence Relations

Let A be a set and let R be a relation on A.

The quotient of X by R is the set X/R defined by

X/R=def{[a]P(X) | aX}.

The reason we define quotient sets for equivalence relations only is that each of the properties of being an equivalence relation—reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity—ensures that the equivalences classes [a] of X under R are well-behaved:

  • Reflexivity. If R is reflexive, then, for each aX, we have a[a].
  • Symmetry. The equivalence class [a] of an element a of X is defined by

    [a]=def{xX | xRa},

    but we could equally well define

    [a]=def{xX | aRx}

    instead. This is not a problem when R is symmetric, as we then have [a]=[a].1

  • Transitivity. If R is transitive, then [a] and [b] are disjoint iff aRb, and equal otherwise.

1When categorifying equivalence relations, one finds that [a] and [a] correspond to presheaves and copresheaves; see .

Let f:XY be a function and let R be a relation on X.

  1. 1. As a Coequaliser. We have an isomorphism of sets

    where Req is the equivalence relation generated by R.

  2. 2. As a Pushout. We have an isomorphism of sets1
    where Req is the equivalence relation generated by R.
  3. 3. The First Isomorphism Theorem for Sets. We have an isomorphism of sets23
  4. 4. Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, I. Let R be an equivalence relation on X. The following conditions are equivalent:
    1. (a) There exists a map

      making the diagram


    2. (b) We have RKer(f).
    3. (c) For each x,yX, if xRy, then f(x)=f(y).
  5. 5. Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, II. Let R be an equivalence relation on X. If the conditions of Item 4 hold, then f is the unique map making the diagram


  6. 6. Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, III. Let R be an equivalence relation on X. We have a bijection

    natural in X,YObj(Sets), given by the assignment ff of Item 4 and Item 5, where HomSetsR(X,Y) is the set defined by

    HomSetsR(X,Y)=def{fHomSets(X,Y) | for each x,yX,if xRy, thenf(x)=f(y)}.
  7. 7. Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, IV. Let R be an equivalence relation on X. If the conditions of Item 4 hold, then the following conditions are equivalent:
    1. (a) The map f is an injection.
    2. (b) We have R=Ker(f).
    3. (c) For each x,yX, we have xRy iff f(x)=f(y).
  8. 8. Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, V. Let R be an equivalence relation on X. If the conditions of Item 4 hold, then the following conditions are equivalent:
    1. (a) The map f:XY is surjective.
    2. (b) The map f:X/RY is surjective.
  9. 9. Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, VI. Let R be a relation on X and let Req be the equivalence relation associated to R. The following conditions are equivalent:
    1. (a) The map f satisfies the equivalent conditions of Item 4:
      • There exists a map

        making the diagram


      • For each x,yX, if xReqy, then f(x)=f(y).

    2. (b) For each x,yX, if xRy, then f(x)=f(y).

1Dually, we also have an isomorphism of sets
2Further Terminology: The set X/Ker(f) is often called the coimage of f, and denoted by CoIm(f).
3In a sense this is a result relating the monad in Rel induced by f with the comonad in Rel induced by f, as the kernel and image


of f are the underlying functors of (respectively) the induced monad and comonad of the adjunction

of Chapter 7: Constructions With Relations, Item 2 of Proposition

Item 1: As a Coequaliser
Item 2: As a Pushout
Item 3: The First Isomorphism Theorem for Sets
Item 4: Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, I
See [Proof Wiki, Condition For Mapping From Quotient Set To Be Well Defined].
Item 5: Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, II
See [Proof Wiki, Mapping From Quotient Set When Defined Is Unique].
Item 6: Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, III
This follows from Item 5 and Item 6.
Item 7: Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, IV
See [Proof Wiki, Condition For Mapping From Quotient Set To Be An Injection].
Item 8: Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, V
See [Proof Wiki, Condition For Mapping From Quotient Set To Be A Surjection].
Item 9: Descending Functions to Quotient Sets, VI
The implication Item (a)Item (b) is clear. Conversely, suppose that, for each x,yX, if xRy, then f(x)=f(y). Spelling out the definition of the equivalence closure of R, we see that the condition xReqy unwinds to the following:
  • There exist (x1,,xn)R×n satisfying at least one of the following conditions:

    1. (a) The following conditions are satisfied:
      1. (i) We have xRx1 or x1Rx;
      2. (ii) We have xiRxi+1 or xi+1Rxi for each 1in1;
      3. (iii) We have yRxn or xnRy;
    2. (b) We have x=y.

Now, if x=y, then f(x)=f(y) trivially; otherwise, we have


and f(x)=f(y), as we wanted to show.

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