10 Constructions With Monoidal Categories

This chapter contains some material on constructions with monoidal categories.

  • Section 10.1: Moduli Categories of Monoidal Structures
    • Subsection 10.1.1: The Moduli Category of Monoidal Structures on a Category
    • Subsection 10.1.2: The Moduli Category of Braided Monoidal Structures on a Category
    • Subsection 10.1.3: The Moduli Category of Symmetric Monoidal Structures on a Category
  • Section 10.2: Moduli Categories of Closed Monoidal Structures
  • Section 10.3: Moduli Categories of Refinements of Monoidal Structures
    • Subsection 10.3.1: The Moduli Category of Braided Refinements of a Monoidal Structure

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