Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be sets and let $f\colon A\to C$ and $g\colon B\to C$ be functions.
We claim that $A\times _{C}B$ is the categorical pullback of $A$ and $B$ over $C$ with respect to $\webleft (f,g\webright )$ in $\mathsf{Sets}$. First we need to check that the relevant pullback diagram commutes, i.e. that we have
Indeed, given $\webleft (a,b\webright )\in A\times _{C}B$, we have
\begin{align*} \webleft [f\circ \text{pr}_{1}\webright ]\webleft (a,b\webright ) & = f\webleft (\text{pr}_{1}\webleft (a,b\webright )\webright )\\ & = f\webleft (a\webright )\\ & = g\webleft (b\webright )\\ & = g\webleft (\text{pr}_{2}\webleft (a,b\webright )\webright )\\ & = \webleft [g\circ \text{pr}_{2}\webright ]\webleft (a,b\webright ),\end{align*}
where $f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )$ since $\webleft (a,b\webright )\in A\times _{C}B$. Next, we prove that $A\times _{C}B$ satisfies the universal property of the pullback. Suppose we have a diagram of the form
in $\mathsf{Sets}$. Then there exists a unique map $\phi \colon P\to A\times _{C}B$ making the diagram
commute, being uniquely determined by the conditions
\begin{align*} \text{pr}_{1}\circ \phi & = p_{1},\\ \text{pr}_{2}\circ \phi & = p_{2}\end{align*}
\[ \phi \webleft (x\webright )=\webleft (p_{1}\webleft (x\webright ),p_{2}\webleft (x\webright )\webright ) \]
for each $x\in P$, where we note that $\webleft (p_{1}\webleft (x\webright ),p_{2}\webleft (x\webright )\webright )\in A\times B$ indeed lies in $A\times _{C}B$ by the condition
\[ f\circ p_{1}=g\circ p_{2}, \]
which gives
\[ f\webleft (p_{1}\webleft (x\webright )\webright )=g\webleft (p_{2}\webleft (x\webright )\webright ) \]
for each $x\in P$, so that $\webleft (p_{1}\webleft (x\webright ),p_{2}\webleft (x\webright )\webright )\in A\times _{C}B$.
This is a special case of functoriality of co/limits,
, with the explicit expression for $\xi $ following from the commutativity of the cube pullback diagram.
This is a repetition of
, and is proved there.
We have
\begin{align*} \webleft (A\times _{X}B\webright )\times _{Y}C & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (\webleft (a,b\webright ),c\webright )\in \webleft (A\times _{X}B\webright )\times C\ \middle |\ h\webleft (b\webright )=k\webleft (c\webright )\webright\} \\ & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (\webleft (a,b\webright ),c\webright )\in \webleft (A\times B\webright )\times C\ \middle |\ \text{$f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )$ and $h\webleft (b\webright )=k\webleft (c\webright )$}\webright\} \\ & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (a,\webleft (b,c\webright )\webright )\in A\times \webleft (B\times C\webright )\ \middle |\ \text{$f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )$ and $h\webleft (b\webright )=k\webleft (c\webright )$}\webright\} \\ & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (a,\webleft (b,c\webright )\webright )\in A\times \webleft (B\times _{Y}C\webright )\ \middle |\ \text{$f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )$}\webright\} \\ & \cong A\times _{X}\webleft (B\times _{Y}C\webright ) \end{align*}
\begin{align*} \webleft (A\times _{X}B\webright )\times _{B}\webleft (B\times _{Y}C\webright ) & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (\webleft (a,b\webright ),\webleft (b',c\webright )\webright )\in \webleft (A\times _{X}B\webright )\times \webleft (B\times _{Y}C\webright )\ \middle |\ b=b'\webright\} \\ & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (\webleft (a,b\webright ),\webleft (b',c\webright )\webright )\in \webleft (A\times B\webright )\times \webleft (B\times C\webright )\ \middle |\ \begin{aligned} & \text{$f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )$, $b=b'$,}\\ & \text{and $h\webleft (b'\webright )=k\webleft (c\webright )$}\end{aligned}\webright\} \\ & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (a,\webleft (b,\webleft (b',c\webright )\webright )\webright )\in A\times \webleft (B\times \webleft (B\times C\webright )\webright )\ \middle |\ \begin{aligned} & \text{$f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )$, $b=b'$,}\\ & \text{and $h\webleft (b'\webright )=k\webleft (c\webright )$}\end{aligned}\webright\} \\ & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (a,\webleft (\webleft (b,b'\webright ),c\webright )\webright )\in A\times \webleft (\webleft (B\times B\webright )\times C\webright )\ \middle |\ \begin{aligned} & \text{$f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )$, $b=b'$,}\\ & \text{and $h\webleft (b'\webright )=k\webleft (c\webright )$}\end{aligned}\webright\} \\ & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (a,\webleft (\webleft (b,b'\webright ),c\webright )\webright )\in A\times \webleft (\webleft (B\times _{B}B\webright )\times C\webright )\ \middle |\ \begin{aligned} & \text{$f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )$ and}\\ & \text{$h\webleft (b'\webright )=k\webleft (c\webright )$}\end{aligned}\webright\} \\ & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (a,\webleft (b,c\webright )\webright )\in A\times \webleft (B\times C\webright )\ \middle |\ \text{$f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )$ and $h\webleft (b\webright )=k\webleft (c\webright )$}\webright\} \\ & \cong A\times _{X}\webleft (B\times _{Y}C\webright ), \end{align*}
where we have used Item 5 for the isomorphism $B\times _{B}B\cong B$.
Item 4: Interaction With Composition
By Item 3, it suffices to construct only the isomorphism
\[ X\times ^{f\circ \phi ,g\circ \psi }_{K}Y\cong \webleft (X\times ^{\phi ,q_{1}}_{A}\webleft (A\times ^{f,g}_{K}B\webright )\webright )\times ^{p_{2},p_{1}}_{A\times ^{f,g}_{K}B}\webleft (\webleft (A\times ^{f,g}_{K}B\webright )\times ^{q_{2},\psi }_{B}Y\webright ). \]
We have
so writing
\begin{align*} S & = \webleft (X\times ^{\phi ,q_{1}}_{A}\webleft (A\times ^{f,g}_{K}B\webright )\webright )\\ S' & = \webleft (\webleft (A\times ^{f,g}_{K}B\webright )\times ^{q_{2},\psi }_{B}Y\webright ), \end{align*}
we have
This finishes the proof.
We have
\begin{align*} X\times _{X}A & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (x,a\webright )\in X\times A\ \middle |\ f\webleft (a\webright )=x\webright\} ,\\ A\times _{X}X & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (a,x\webright )\in X\times A\ \middle |\ f\webleft (a\webright )=x\webright\} , \end{align*}
which are isomorphic to $A$ via the maps $\webleft (x,a\webright )\mapsto a$ and $\webleft (a,x\webright )\mapsto a$. The proof of the naturality of $\lambda ^{\mathsf{Sets}_{/X}}$ and $\rho ^{\mathsf{Sets}_{/X}}$ is omitted.
We have
\begin{align*} A\times _{C}B & \mathrel {\smash {\overset {\mathclap {\scriptscriptstyle \text{def}}}=}}\webleft\{ \webleft (a,b\webright )\in A\times B\ \middle |\ f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )\webright\} \\ & = \webleft\{ \webleft (a,b\webright )\in A\times B\ \middle |\ g\webleft (b\webright )=f\webleft (a\webright )\webright\} \\ & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (b,a\webright )\in B\times A\ \middle |\ g\webleft (b\webright )=f\webleft (a\webright )\webright\} \\ & \mathrel {\smash {\overset {\mathclap {\scriptscriptstyle \text{def}}}=}}B\times _{C}A. \end{align*}
The proof of the naturality of $\sigma ^{\mathsf{Sets}_{/X}}$ is omitted.
Item 7: Distributivity Over Coproducts
We have
\begin{align*} A\times _{X}\webleft (B\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}C\webright ) & \mathrel {\smash {\overset {\mathclap {\scriptscriptstyle \text{def}}}=}}\webleft\{ \webleft (a,z\webright )\in A\times \webleft (B\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}C\webright )\ \middle |\ \phi _{A}\webleft (a\webright )=\phi _{B\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}C}\webleft (z\webright )\webright\} \\ & = \webleft\{ \webleft (a,z\webright )\in A\times \webleft (B\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}C\webright )\ \middle |\ \text{$z=\webleft (0,b\webright )$ and $\phi _{A}\webleft (a\webright )=\phi _{B\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}C}\webleft (z\webright )$}\webright\} \\ & \phantom{={}} \mkern 4mu\cup \webleft\{ \webleft (a,z\webright )\in A\times \webleft (B\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}C\webright )\ \middle |\ \text{$z=\webleft (1,c\webright )$ and $\phi _{A}\webleft (a\webright )=\phi _{B\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}C}\webleft (z\webright )$}\webright\} \\ & = \webleft\{ \webleft (a,z\webright )\in A\times \webleft (B\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}C\webright )\ \middle |\ \text{$z=\webleft (0,b\webright )$ and $\phi _{A}\webleft (a\webright )=\phi _{B}\webleft (b\webright )$}\webright\} \\ & \phantom{={}} \mkern 4mu\cup \webleft\{ \webleft (a,z\webright )\in A\times \webleft (B\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}C\webright )\ \middle |\ \text{$z=\webleft (1,c\webright )$ and $\phi _{A}\webleft (a\webright )=\phi _{C}\webleft (c\webright )$}\webright\} \\ & \cong \webleft\{ \webleft (a,b\webright )\in A\times B\ \middle |\ \phi _{A}\webleft (a\webright )=\phi _{B}\webleft (b\webright )\webright\} \\ & \phantom{={}} \mkern 4mu\cup \webleft\{ \webleft (a,c\webright )\in A\times C\ \middle |\ \phi _{A}\webleft (a\webright )=\phi _{C}\webleft (c\webright )\webright\} \\ & \mathrel {\smash {\overset {\mathclap {\scriptscriptstyle \text{def}}}=}}\webleft (A\times _{X}B\webright )\cup \webleft (A\times _{X}C\webright )\\ & \cong \webleft (A\times _{X}B\webright )\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}\webleft (A\times _{X}C\webright ), \end{align*}
with the construction of the isomorphism
\[ \delta ^{\mathsf{Sets}_{/X}}_{r} \colon \webleft (A\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}B\webright )\times _{X}C \overset {\scriptstyle \mathord {\sim }}{\dashrightarrow }\webleft (A\times _{X}C\webright )\mathchoice {\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}{\mathbin {\scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \coprod }}\webleft (B\times _{X}C\webright ) \]
being similar. The proof of the naturality of $\delta ^{\mathsf{Sets}_{/X}}_{\ell }$ and $\delta ^{\mathsf{Sets}_{/X}}_{r}$ is omitted.
Item 8: Annihilation With the Empty Set
We have
\begin{align*} A\times _{X}\text{Ø}& \mathrel {\smash {\overset {\mathclap {\scriptscriptstyle \text{def}}}=}}\webleft\{ \webleft (a,b\webright )\in A\times \text{Ø}\ \middle |\ f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )\webright\} \\ & = \webleft\{ k\in \text{Ø}\ \middle |\ f\webleft (a\webright )=g\webleft (b\webright )\webright\} \\ & = \text{Ø}, \end{align*}
and similarly for $\text{Ø}\times _{X}A$, where we have used Item 7 of Proposition The proof of the naturality of $\zeta ^{\mathsf{Sets}_{/X}}_{\ell }$ and $\zeta ^{\mathsf{Sets}_{/X}}_{r}$ is omitted.
Item 9: Interaction With Products
We have
\begin{align*} A\times _{\text{pt}}B & \mathrel {\smash {\overset {\mathclap {\scriptscriptstyle \text{def}}}=}}\webleft\{ \webleft (a,b\webright )\in A\times B\ \middle |\ \mathord {!}_{A}\webleft (a\webright )\mathbin {=}\mathord {!}_{B}\webleft (b\webright )\webright\} \\ & \mathrel {\smash {\overset {\mathclap {\scriptscriptstyle \text{def}}}=}}\webleft\{ \webleft (a,b\webright )\in A\times B\ \middle |\ \star =\star \webright\} \\ & = \webleft\{ \webleft (a,b\webright )\in A\times B\webright\} \\ & = A\times B. \end{align*}