Let A, B, C, and X be sets.

  1. 1. Functoriality. The assignments A,B,(A,B)A×B define functors

    where 1×2 is the functor where

    • Action on Objects. For each (A,B)Obj(Sets×Sets), we have


    • Action on Morphisms. For each (A,B),(X,Y)Obj(Sets), the action on Hom-sets


      of × at ((A,B),(X,Y)) is defined by sending (f,g) to the function


      defined by


      for each (a,b)A×B.

    and where A× and ×B are the partial functors of 1×2 at A,BObj(Sets).

  2. 2. Adjointness. We have adjunctions
    witnessed by bijections

    natural in A,B,CObj(Sets).

  3. 3. Associativity. We have an isomorphism of sets

    natural in A,B,CObj(Sets).

  4. 4. Unitality. We have isomorphisms of sets

    natural in AObj(Sets).

  5. 5. Commutativity. We have an isomorphism of sets

    natural in A,BObj(Sets).

  6. 6. Distributivity Over Coproducts. We have isomorphisms of sets

    natural in A,B,CObj(Sets).

  7. 7. Annihilation With the Empty Set. We have isomorphisms of sets

    natural in AObj(Sets).

  8. 8. Distributivity Over Unions. Let X be a set. For each U,V,WP(X), we have equalities

    of subsets of P(X×X).

  9. 9. Distributivity Over Intersections. Let X be a set. For each U,V,WP(X), we have equalities

    of subsets of P(X×X).

  10. 10. Distributivity Over Differences. Let X be a set. For each U,V,WP(X), we have equalities

    of subsets of P(X×X).

  11. 11. Distributivity Over Symmetric Differences. Let X be a set. For each U,V,WP(X), we have equalities

    of subsets of P(X×X).

  12. 12. Middle-Four Exchange with Respect to Intersections. The diagram

    commutes, i.e. we have


    for each U,V,W,TP(X).

  13. 13. Symmetric Monoidality. The 8-tuple (αSetsSets, ×, pt, Sets(1,2), αSets, λSets, ρSets, σSets) is a closed symmetric monoidal category.
  14. 14. Symmetric Bimonoidality. The 18-tuple

    is a symmetric closed bimonoidal category, where αSets,, λSets,, ρSets,, and σSets, are the natural transformations from Item 2, Item 3, and Item 4 of Proposition

Item 1: Functoriality
This follows from , of .
Item 2: Adjointness
We prove only that there’s an adjunction ×BSets(B,), witnessed by a bijection


natural in B,CObj(Sets), as the proof of the existence of the adjunction A×Sets(A,) follows almost exactly in the same way.

  • Map I. We define a map


    by sending a function


    to the function

    where we define


    for each bB. In terms of the [[af(a)]] notation of Chapter 1: Sets, Notation, we have


  • Map II. We define a map


    given by sending a function

    to the function


    defined by


    for each (a,b)A×B.

  • Invertibility I. We claim that


    Indeed, given a function ξ:A×BC, we have


  • Invertibility II. We claim that


    Indeed, given a function

    we have


  • Naturality for Φ, Part I. We need to show that, given a function g:BB, the diagram

    commutes. Indeed, given a function


    we have


    Alternatively, using the [[af(a)]] notation of Chapter 1: Sets, Notation, we have


  • Naturality for Φ, Part II. We need to show that, given a function h:CC, the diagram

    commutes. Indeed, given a function


    we have


  • Naturality for Ψ. Since Φ is natural in each argument and Φ is a componentwise inverse to Ψ in each argument, it follows from Chapter 9: Preorders, Item 2 of Proposition that Ψ is also natural in each argument.
Item 3: Associativity
This is proved in the proof of Chapter 3: Monoidal Structures on the Category of Sets, Definition
Item 4: Unitality
This is proved in the proof of Chapter 3: Monoidal Structures on the Category of Sets, Definition and Definition
Item 5: Commutativity
This is proved in the proof of Chapter 3: Monoidal Structures on the Category of Sets, Definition
Item 6: Distributivity Over Coproducts
This is proved in the proof of Chapter 3: Monoidal Structures on the Category of Sets, Definition and Definition
Item 7: Annihilation With the Empty Set
This is proved in the proof of Chapter 3: Monoidal Structures on the Category of Sets, Definition and Definition
Item 8: Distributivity Over Unions
See [Proof Wiki, Cartesian Product Distributes Over Union].
Item 9: Distributivity Over Intersections
See Corollary 1 of [Proof Wiki, Cartesian Product of Intersections].
Item 10: Distributivity Over Differences
See [Proof Wiki, Cartesian Product Distributes Over Set Difference].
Item 11: Distributivity Over Symmetric Differences
See [Proof Wiki, Cartesian Product Distributes Over Symmetric Difference].
Item 12: Middle-Four Exchange With Respect to Intersections
See Corollary 1 of [Proof Wiki, Cartesian Product of Intersections].
Item 13: Symmetric Monoidality
This is a repetition of Chapter 3: Monoidal Structures on the Category of Sets, Proposition, and is proved there.
Item 14: Symmetric Bimonoidality
This is a repetition of Chapter 3: Monoidal Structures on the Category of Sets, Proposition, and is proved there.

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