Let $R\colon A\mathrel {\rightarrow \kern -9.5pt\mathrlap {|}\kern 6pt}B$ be a relation. The following conditions are equivalent:
The relation $R$ is a monomorphism in $\mathsf{Rel}$.
The direct image function
\[ R_{*}\colon \mathcal{P}\webleft (A\webright )\to \mathcal{P}\webleft (B\webright ) \]
associated to $R$ is injective.
The direct image with compact support function
\[ R_{!}\colon \mathcal{P}\webleft (A\webright )\to \mathcal{P}\webleft (B\webright ) \]
associated to $R$ is injective.
Moreover, if $R$ is a monomorphism, then it satisfies the following condition, and the converse holds if $R$ is total:
Firstly note that Item 2 and Item 3 are equivalent by Chapter 7: Constructions With Relations, Item 7 of Proposition We then claim that Item 1 and Item 2 are also equivalent:
- Item 1$\implies $Item 2: Let $U,V\in \mathcal{P}\webleft (A\webright )$ and consider the diagram
By Chapter 7: Constructions With Relations, Remark, we have
\begin{align*} R_{*}\webleft (U\webright ) & = R\mathbin {\diamond }U,\\ R_{*}\webleft (V\webright ) & = R\mathbin {\diamond }V. \end{align*}
Now, if $R\mathbin {\diamond }U=R\mathbin {\diamond }V$, i.e. $R_{*}\webleft (U\webright )=R_{*}\webleft (V\webright )$, then $U=V$ since $R$ is assumed to be a monomorphism, showing $R_{*}$ to be injective.
- Item 2$\implies $Item 1: Conversely, suppose that $R_{*}$ is injective, consider the diagram
and suppose that $R\mathbin {\diamond }S=R\mathbin {\diamond }T$. Note that, since $R_{*}$ is injective, given a diagram of the form
if $R_{*}\webleft (U\webright )=R\mathbin {\diamond }U=R\mathbin {\diamond }V=R_{*}\webleft (V\webright )$, then $U=V$. In particular, for each $x\in X$, we may consider the diagram
for which we have $R\mathbin {\diamond }S\mathbin {\diamond }\webleft [x\webright ]=R\mathbin {\diamond }T\mathbin {\diamond }\webleft [x\webright ]$, implying that we have
\[ S\webleft (x\webright )=S\mathbin {\diamond }\webleft [x\webright ]=T\mathbin {\diamond }\webleft [x\webright ]=T\webleft (x\webright ) \]
for each $x\in X$, implying $S=T$, and thus $R$ is a monomorphism.
We can also prove this in a more abstract way, following [MSE 350788
]: - Item 1$\implies $Item 2: Assume that $R$ is a monomorphism.
- We first notice that the functor $\mathrm{Rel}\webleft (\text{pt},-\webright )\colon \mathrm{Rel}\to \mathsf{Sets}$ maps $R$ to $R_{*}$ by Chapter 7: Constructions With Relations, Remark
- Since $\mathrm{Rel}\webleft (\text{pt},-\webright )$ preserves all limits by
, it follows by
that $\mathrm{Rel}\webleft (\text{pt},-\webright )$ also preserves monomorphisms. - Since $R$ is a monomorphism and $\mathrm{Rel}\webleft (\text{pt},-\webright )$ maps $R$ to $R_{*}$, it follows that $R_{*}$ is also a monomorphism.
- Since the monomorphisms in $\mathsf{Sets}$ are precisely the injections (
), it follows that $R_{*}$ is injective.
- Item 2$\implies $Item 1: Assume that $R_{*}$ is injective.
- We first notice that the functor $\mathrm{Rel}\webleft (\text{pt},-\webright )\colon \mathrm{Rel}\to \mathsf{Sets}$ maps $R$ to $R_{*}$ by Chapter 7: Constructions With Relations, Remark
- Since the monomorphisms in $\mathsf{Sets}$ are precisely the injections (
), it follows that $R_{*}$ is a monomorphism. - Since $\mathrm{Rel}\webleft (\text{pt},-\webright )$ is faithful, it follows by
that $\mathrm{Rel}\webleft (\text{pt},-\webright )$ reflects monomorphisms. - Since $R_{*}$ is a monomorphism and $\mathrm{Rel}\webleft (\text{pt},-\webright )$ maps $R$ to $R_{*}$, it follows that $R$ is also a monomorphism.
Finally, we prove the second part of the statement. Assume that $R$ is a monomorphism, let $a,a'\in A$ such that $a\sim _{R}b$ and $a'\sim _{R}b$ for some $b\in B$, and consider the diagram
Since $\star \sim _{\webleft [a\webright ]}a$ and $a\sim _{R}b$, we have $\star \sim _{R\mathbin {\diamond }\webleft [a\webright ]}b$. Similarly, $\star \sim _{R\mathbin {\diamond }\webleft [a'\webright ]}b$. Thus $R\mathbin {\diamond }\webleft [a\webright ]=R\mathbin {\diamond }\webleft [a'\webright ]$, and since $R$ is a monomorphism, we have $\webleft [a\webright ]=\webleft [a'\webright ]$, i.e. $a=a'$.
Conversely, assume the condition
consider the diagram
and let $\webleft (x,a\webright )\in S$. Since $R$ is total and $a\in A$, there exists some $b\in B$ such that $a\sim _{R}b$. In this case, we have $x\sim _{R\mathbin {\diamond }S}b$, and since $R\mathbin {\diamond }S=R\mathbin {\diamond }T$, we have also $x\sim _{R\mathbin {\diamond }T}b$. Thus there must exist some $a'\in A$ such that $x\sim _{T}a'$ and $a'\sim _{R}b$. However, since $a,a'\sim _{R}b$, we must have $a=a'$, and thus $\webleft (x,a\webright )\in T$ as well.
A similar argument shows that if $\webleft (x,a\webright )\in T$, then $\webleft (x,a\webright )\in S$, and thus $S=T$ and it follows that $R$ is a monomorphism.