6.3.8 2-Categorical Monomorphisms in Rel

In this section we characterise (for now, some of) the 2-categorical monomorphisms in Rel, following Chapter 11: Types of Morphisms in Bicategories, Section 11.1.

Let R:A|B be a relation.

  1. 1. Representably Faithful Morphisms in Rel. Every morphism of Rel is a representably faithful morphism.
  2. 2. Representably Full Morphisms in Rel. The following conditions are equivalent:
    1. (a) The morphism R:A|B is a representably full morphism.
    2. (b) For each pair of relations S,T:X|A, the following condition is satisfied:
      • If RSRT, then ST.
    3. (c) The functor

      is full.

    4. (d) For each U,VP(A), if R(U)R(V), then UV.
    5. (e) The functor

      is full.

    6. (f) For each U,VP(A), if R!(U)R!(V), then UV.
  3. 3. Representably Fully Faithful Morphisms in Rel. Every representaly full morphism in Rel is a representably fully faithful morphism.

Item 1: Representably Faithful Morphisms in Rel
The relation R is a representably faithful morphism in Rel iff, for each XObj(Rel), the functor

is faithful, i.e. iff the morphism


is injective for each S,TObj(Rel(X,A)). However, HomRel(X,A)(S,T) is either empty or a singleton, in either case of which the map R|S,T is necessarily injective.

Item 2: Representably Full Morphisms in Rel
We claim Item (a), Item (b), Item (c), Item (d), Item (e), and Item (f) are indeed equivalent:
  • Item (a)Item (b): This is simply a matter of unwinding definitions: The relation R is a representably full morphism in Rel iff, for each XObj(Rel), the functor

    is full, i.e. iff the morphism


    is surjective for each S,TObj(Rel(X,A)), i.e. iff, whenever RSRT, we also have ST.

  • Item (c)Item (d): This is also simply a matter of unwinding definitions: The functor


    is full iff, for each U,VP(A), the morphism


    is surjective, i.e. iff whenever R(U)R(V), we also necessarily have UV.

  • Item (e)Item (f): This is once again simply a matter of unwinding definitions, and proceeds exactly in the same way as in the proof of the equivalence between Item (c) and Item (d) given above.
  • Item (d)Item (f): Suppose that the following condition is true:
    • For each U,VP(A), if R(U)R(V), then UV.
    We need to show that the condition
    • For each U,VP(A), if R!(U)R!(V), then UV.
    is also true. We proceed step by step:
    1. (c) Suppose we have U,VP(A) with R!(U)R!(V).
    2. (d) By Chapter 7: Constructions With Relations, Item 7 of Proposition, we have


    3. (e) By Chapter 2: Constructions With Sets, Item 1 of Proposition we have R(AV)R(AU).
    4. (f) By assumption, we then have AVAU.
    5. (g) By Chapter 2: Constructions With Sets, Item 1 of Proposition again, we have UV.
  • Item (f)Item (d): Suppose that the following condition is true:
    • For each U,VP(A), if R!(U)R!(V), then UV.
    We need to show that the condition
    • For each U,VP(A), if R(U)R(V), then UV.
    is also true. We proceed step by step:
    1. (c) Suppose we have U,VP(A) with R(U)R(V).
    2. (d) By Chapter 7: Constructions With Relations, Item 7 of Proposition, we have


    3. (e) By Chapter 2: Constructions With Sets, Item 1 of Proposition we have R!(AV)R!(AU).
    4. (f) By assumption, we then have AVAU.
    5. (g) By Chapter 2: Constructions With Sets, Item 1 of Proposition again, we have UV.
  • Item (b)Item (d): Consider the diagram

    and suppose that RSRT. Note that, by assumption, given a diagram of the form

    if R(U)=RURV=R(V), then UV. In particular, for each xX, we may consider the diagram

    for which we have RS[x]RT[x], implying that we have


    for each xX, implying ST.

  • Item (d)Item (b): Let U,VP(A) and consider the diagram

    By , we have


    Now, if R(U)R(V), i.e. RURV, then UV by assumption.

, Fully Faithful Monomorphisms in Rel: This follows from Item 1 and Item 2.

Item 2 of Proposition gives a characterisation of the representably full morphisms in Rel.

Are there other nice characterisations of these?

This question also appears as [MO 467527].

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